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UPJ Obstruction: Defined

UPJ stands for ureteropelvic junction. For proper functioning of the kidney, there should be appropriate passage in between the kidney and bladder. The tube that attaches the kidney and bladder is called a ureter. Blockage in the ureter is called UPJ or ureteropelvic obstruction. UPJ obstruction may also be characterized by the narrowing of the passage in between the ureter and renal pelvis. The Renal Pelvis is a portion of the kidney. In general, it is asymmetrical, which means that the condition may affect any of the two ureters available for the two kidneys to connect with the bladder. Due to this obstruction, urine is retained and may damage the kidney. There may be no apparent symptoms with this disease. Conversely,  people with this disease may experience kidney pain, back pain, flank pain, kidney infection and/or have other suggestive indicators, such as kidney stones.

UPJ Obstruction often develops during the time that the baby is in the womb of mother. This problem occurs rarely, but these obstructions may be detected during the uteral life when the kidney is forming. The condition may appear obstructive in childhood. In the case of older children and adults, UPJ Obstruction may be the consequence of an infection, scar tissue, kidney stone or earlier treatment failures. Chiefly, UPJ obstruction is one of the common causes of blockage in the urinary tract in children. UPJ obstruction may also be a general term used to describe other types of ureteropelvic junction obstructions. In Ureteropelvic junction obstructions, the actual problem may be that the kidney produces much more urine than the renal pelvis is capable of draining. This results in the kidney accumulating urine which may eventually result in the loss of kidney function or may become life threatening if not diagnosed and properly treated at the right time.     

The good news today is that the condition may be discovered and diagnosed through a prenatal ultrasound screening for select individuals. Too, advancements in technology may offer a less invasive approach for reduced surgical risks, no visible incisions, and a speedier recovery. The availability of these advantages depends upon numerous factors. 

To learn more about these factors, visit: 

UPJ Obstruction: Symptoms and Diagnostic Tools

UPJ Treatment Options

Ureteropelvic Junction Obstructions Outcome