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Sleep Medicine

imsis250-498Sleep issues are often associated with sleep disorders; a popular one is sleep apnea. Yet, there are many more. Sleep may seem that it should be simple. After initial relaxing evening moments, you may be comfortable. Soon, you lay down to rest and close your eyes. Before you know it, you may be soundly sleeping, without silently compromising your health by medical conditions associated with poor sleep. For many people, sleep is not that simple, but nighty rejuvenation may occur with treatment even for those who have chronic sleep disorders.

Insomnia occasionally might be manageable. Yet, too often insomnia for many people is not. The good news is that there are many ways to take back your quality of life by unleashing stress, reducing over stimulation, eliminating caffeine or other unhealthy habits, and perhaps, investigating in sleep medicine. Ultimately, you may actually eliminate the nightly ritual of interrupted or disturbed sleep to enhance your job performance, family life, and love life, particularly if your sleep habits are as severe as more than 70 million Americans. If you have experienced relief from sleep deprivation with the aid of sleep medicine treatments, you may feel like you are releasing yourself from the prison of sleeplessness once and for all.

Sleep Medicine Forums

  • Sleep Medicine- Who’s in Charge of Your Care?
  • Has anyone told you that you snore or have sleep apnea? Learn about ways to improve your quality of life in more ways than you may realize.



Sleep Disorders

Sleep is what our body needs to support quality of life. With more than one fifth of the population suffering from a lack of sleep, it’s no surprise that sleep disorders have become important to the medical community at large. From insomnia and sleep apnea to narcolepsy and obesity related sleep disorders, there are a host of sleep disorders that physicians rule out in order to focus in on your root cause. In addition, there are several types of diagnostic tests and varied treatments to help you sleep soundly every night. So, we want you to know more about your options for support.

174247392Selecting Your Sleep Medicine Doctors

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) was recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties in 2005.    In the ten years before until present, many internal medicine physicians, ENTs, pulmonary specialists, cardiologists, dentists, psychologists, bariatric specialists, and neurologists have become interested in serving people with sleep disorders since a link between sleep disorders and medical conditions has become increasingly evident.  Consequently, some physicians and medical specialists may have  sub-specialized in sleep medicine. A part of the sleep medicine treatment plan may also involve the expertise of an AASM certified sleep technician, respiratory therapist, and/or a home health care provider. Today, sleep medicine is recognized as a vital medical discipline dedicating to assisting patients with diagnosing and treating various sleep-related disorders that make them feel weary and could place people in danger. In the end, your diagnosis and treatment plan may involve different  medical professionals. Next, Visit: Q and A for Your Doctor.

Are You Covered by Health Insurance?

Perhaps, the best insurance policy to protect your quality of life may be investing in sleep medicine care. It’s worthwhile to check in with your insurance carrier to find out what’s covered and what’s not. Your physician and sleep specialist can advise you and provide a documented diagnosis and treatment plan details to provide evidence to your insurance company that your care plan is medically necessary. Certain states may cover sleep disorder treatment under Medicaid or insurance plans. Yet, a sleep test, offering valuable information to identify the degree of potential harm and a pathway for receiving appropriate care, may not be covered by Medicaid or insurance plans. Bearing the cost of care out-of-pocket may be the only way for you to go, depending upon the cause for your sleep deprivation. Yet, this may be a small price to pay when compared to the medical disabilities that may result from persistent sleep deprivation. In any case, you can always submit sleep medical bills to your insurance carrier. If your insurance company cannot justify the costs, you may proceed with an appeal process.

It’s important not to ignore your lack of sleep. Talk to your primary care physician about what you’re experiencing, learn about selecting a sleep medicine doctor, and begin working on getting more of your needed “beauty rest” for good health.

It is important to recognize that all information contained on this website cannot be considered to be specific medical diagnosis, medical treatment, or medical advice. As always, you should consult with a physician regarding any medical condition.
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