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Neck Lift



The Neck Lift is an enhancement that is highly requested by women and a growing trend for men today. Many select this approach instead of turtleneck sweaters, scarves, limited hairstyles that don’t accentuate the neck, or neck exercises that fail to offer results or feel comfortable. As life climbs higher, people begin to observe excess, saggy neck skin too. Lotions, creams and make-up can’t do the trick.  That’s why “going under the knife” with a board certified plastic surgeon may erase years, even a decade, from an important part of your first impression—your neck! The neck lift may be performed for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Alone for early aging of the neck to obtain an enhanced appearance.
  • In the mid to late stage of aging and often in conjunction with a face lift.
  • Following weight loss and aging since the neck is usually the first to show signs of wrinkles (turkey wattle), loose neck muscles (platysma).
  • Simply other occasions in which people are uncomfortable with their neck appearance.

Neck Lift Techniques
Neck lift may be performed through a variety of techniques to remove excess skin and fat (with liposuction), as well as, tighten skin and underlying tissue for a refined, lifted appearance.  Plastic surgeons may also perform the neck lift in conjunction with a mid-face lift to treat more advanced stages of loose, excess, sagging skin.

Neck lift, also known as platysmaplasty, is  designed tighten the platysma muscle (Platysmaplasty), remove excess and sagging skin on the neck and under the jaw line (Cervicoplasty) and perhaps, remove fat with liposuction. The mid face lift is often performed simultaneously to optimize face lift results and create a more harmonious appearance.

Neck Lift Procedure
Neck lift procedures are designed to be very comfortable. The appropriate type of Anesthesia to use in a neck lift depends upon your plastic surgeon’s choice and your own.  You may choose from intravenous sedation and general anesthesia or local anesthesia (small neck lift).  Neck lift procedures may require up to three hours, but may be longer when performed in conjunction with other plastic surgery procedures, such as, a facelift, brow lift, or neck liposuction.

Neck Lift Incision
Neck lift incisions may be made around the ear for excess skin removal (Cervicoplasty) in front of the ear lobe and wrap around behind the ear ending in the lower scalp. An incision may be made under the chin for access to muscles that require tightening. Your plastic surgeon will close your incisions with sutures or skin adhesives. Then, he or she will place a wrap around the circumference of your head and you will move on to the recovery room for a short time period before returning home to rest with an escort.

Neck Lift Recovery
Recovery from a neck lift procedure may require one to two weeks, depending on the extent of the procedure and your overall health. You will be given a list of instructions to follow to reduce the risk of surgical complications,  enhance healing and help optimize results. This may include: keeping your head and neck still, avoiding stretching your neck or bending over. Following the procedure, you may experience a restless stomach which may be settled with water and crackers and/or medications.  Any swelling you may experience from surgery usually subsides within three days. Rarely, a complication may arise which can usually be managed by your plastic surgeon with prompt attention.

It is important to recognize that there are benefits and risks associated with all medical procedures. All information contained on this website cannot be considered to be specific medical diagnosis, medical treatment, or medical advice. As always, you should consult with a physician regarding any medical condition.