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Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery is a modern surgical approach that does not involve long incisions which avoids significant damage to muscles surrounding the spine. The advantage when compared to traditional spine surgery is that minimally spine surgery may result to less discomfort following the procedure and a faster recovery. Select types of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery make use of an endoscope that is inserted through a small incision from the abdomen to survey the spine and to avert the need of a larger incision for diagnostic purposes and minor surgical procedures.

Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery may practically be used in the treatment of certain degenerative disc disorders, scoliosis, kyphosis, spinal tumors, infection, fractures and herniated disk. Post-operative outcomes are observably better when compared to open surgeries (large incision) in terms of healing and pain. The following conditions may merit the use of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgeries for those who qualify following a Q and A session with your Surgeon.

Degenerative Disk / Scoliosis – In cases of Degenerative Spinal Disks due to age, mechanical issue causes and exaggerated scoliosis, the disk is no longer capable to hold the weight of the upper vertebrae and compresses upon itself thereby increasing the intra-spinal pressure and compresses the nerve roots to cause severe back pain.

The Minimally Surgical Approach: The surgeon makes an approach by the side and exposes the spine in a small incision on the level of the degenerative disk. The surgeon removes a portion of the lamina (laminectomy) to expose the disk. Then, the damaged and compressed bones are removed and replaced with a bone graft. The Laminectomy procedure decompresses the spine and relieves pressure symptoms.

Herniated Disks Repair / Vertebral Compression Fractures – Pain emanating from a herniated disk is caused by an impinging disk to a nerve root. Most of the time the disk becomes dislodged because of damaged disk bone substance or pathological compression fractures due to degenerative disorders or mechanical reasons (overweight).

The Minimally Surgical Approach: The surgeon approaches the spine by the side making a less than an inch incision and inserting the instrument through the spinal foramen thereby reducing spinal nerve damage. Then, the procedure proceeds by depositing bone graft in the spinal body and re-enforcing support with screws and braces to hold weight. This procedure is called Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF).

Spinal Tumors – Spinal tumors are space occupying lesions on the spinal cord causing an increase in pressure at the inter-spinal space. This leads to compression symptoms to the spinal nerves (spinal stenosis).

The Minimally Invasive Approach: Spine surgeons make use of retractor through a very small incision at the back. The retractor hole is where the surgeon inserts his or her instruments and screws during the procedure. A Laminectomy procedure will harvest parcels of the laminine through the retractors. Thus, the results decompress the inter-spinal space and relieve compression symptoms of the tumor.

Minimally Surgical Approaches are still real surgery. Thus, careful consideration is requiredto weigh the benefits and risks.  The good news is that the outcome offers relief from debilitating symptoms and pain for many.

Next Visit, Spinal Disorders

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