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Teeth Whitening


Teeth Whitening has fast become a household word for many, even for those not interested in cosmetic dentistry. It’s a cosmetic treatment that can fit right into just about everyone’s lifestyle and checkbook with goals for a bright white smile!

Of course, there are variations in the choices.  Teeth whitening may require a few sessions for up to a few shades lighter with a local drug store approach.  For brighter shades whiter, there’s the RX at home approach with the support of your dentist. There’s even the one time zap of up to eight shades lighter with in-dental office approach. Last but not least, there’s the ultra-white look that may be accomplished with bleaching.

With all the options to choose from, the decision for teeth whitening can be tough, but the reward may be great with a glistening smile! Tooth Whitening offers reliable consistent results for most people. The outcome of a glistening white smile is highly desirable today. Tooth whitening may positively influence your social life and professional life in more ways than one. First, let’s check out some of the ways that teeth may be discolored. Then, the solutions…

Teeth Darken Over Time

Youthful teeth are free from staining, as well as, wear and tear that may dim the light out on your smile. The exposure of yellow dentin which occurs when tooth enamel is lost and translucency is lost occurs with wear and tear on your teeth. In these cases, you may need one of the more aggressive approaches to teeth whitening. First, stop into your dentist’s office who is equipped to remove some of the toughest stains, as well as, plaque build-up which may stain your teeth over time. While you are there, ask about the teeth whitening approach he or she offers. You might be surprised to learn you can shed tints of yellow, brown or gray.

Food Intake

Dark-colored beverages and foods contribute to extrinsic stains on the surface of your teeth.  These stains may be difficult to remove without the assistance of semi-annual professional dental cleanings. Yet, tooth whitening can bring out a glistening smile once again once the toughest food and drink stains are removed by your dental hygienist. So, stay away from neglecting tooth brushing following red wine, coffee, tea, carrots, oranges and acidic foods like certain other fruits and vinegar which also lead to enamel loss that compromises tooth whitening results. Nevertheless, regular professional dental cleanings and teeth whitening can bring out a brilliant white smile.

Teeth Grinding and Trauma

Teeth grinding causes crack and uneven edges on your teeth that can darken over time. Injuries to your mouth may result in tooth cracks. In both cases, the cracks may be large enough to house debris which also contributes to staining.  In these cases, a mouth guard prevents additional crack from grinding, tooth whitening may assist and dental bonding may be an option for areas that do not respond to whitening or in the of need additional protection.


Darkened teeth may also be the consequence of your mother taking tetracycline while pregnant, other medications, excessive fluoride, or silver amalgam dental fillings. These are called intrinsic stains that may be difficult to whiten or bleach.   Yet, your cosmetic dentist is the best to offer a treatment plan for whitening.  Dental veneers may be more appropriate in some of these situations.


Cigarette nicotine leaves brownish residue on your teeth that penetrates your tooth’s structure and causes intrinsic staining. Of course, quitting smoking is ideal for prevention. If you can’t seem to quit, speak to a cosmetic dentist who may suggest you come in for additional professional cleanings throughout the year to lower the risk of permanent impossible staining removal.

Teeth whitening performed at a cosmetic dentist does provide remarkable results in most cases. Depending upon the cause and severity of staining, veneers might be a better long term approach.  So, learn more from your cosmetic dentist! In fact, knowing how to select a cosmetic dentist and how to access the right dental technology may offer advantages in treatment.


It is important to recognize that all information contained on this website cannot be considered to be specific medical diagnosis, medical treatment, or medical advice. As always, you should consult with a physician regarding any medical condition.