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Treatment of Valvular Heart Disease

Individuals with VHD are invariably treated according to severity; milder forms may not require any treatment at all. Some individuals may require oral medications, while the severe cases require surgery with the goal to resolve related issues. Below are the treatment modalities available for individuals with VHD.

Heart Medications – Medications may be prescribed to prevent progression of the VHD, or to support the heart prior to surgery. Nevertheless, these prescriptions should be taken as directed, without fail. Some individuals may require life time maintenance.

Valve Surgery – Valve Surgery is an invasive procedure to repair or replace a defective valve. Valves may be replaced with artificial or prosthetic valves or may be replaced with the use of bioprosthetics, derived from animal tissues. Type of valve replacement surgery may vary, depending upon numerous factors, including, but not necessarily limited to:  age, severity, condition and the specific kind of valve to be replaced.

Balloon Dilatation – This method involves the use of a cardiac catheter in which a balloon is inflated inside the heart to widen the caliber of a stenotic (too narrow) valve.


Individuals with well-monitored Valvular Heart Disease generally have a very good prognosis when treated in a timely fashion.  Thus, it is imperative to visit the cardiologist regularly for a Heart Health Screening. Individuals should always report the onset of any cardiac symptoms or the unexpected re-occurrence of symptoms, which may be related to the cardiac condition. It is important to note that dental procedures may require antibiotic prophylaxis treatment in the days before the procedure.   

Next, Visit Valvular Heart Disease Overview 

It is important to recognize that medications and medical procedures are associated with benefits and risks that should be discussed with your physician. It is important to recognize that all information contained on this website cannot be considered to be specific medical diagnosis, medical treatment, or medical advice. As always, you should consult with a physician regarding any medical condition. Your Health Access disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information.