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Inviting Gifts for Lovers… Cocoa, Red Wine and More

Healthy gifts for lovers can enhance your lives in more ways than one. Whether it’s true love,  blinding love, or a sense of broken love, there are many ways to indulge in healthful gifts for the one you love.

Mmmmm…..Chocolate: A Staple for Love

Once thought to be an aphrodisiac, chocolate has been cultivated and refined for thousands of years.  The cocoa bean, which is not actually a bean but a seed, comes from cacao trees grown in tropical environments.  Cocoa contains many benefits similar to other plant-derived fruits and vegetables.

Flavonoids, a natural antioxidant found in the cocoa bean, are contained in both milk and dark chocolate.  Antioxidants work to eliminate cell-damaging free radicals in your body.  Since dark chocolate contains more concentrated levels of cocoa, there are extra health benefits to consuming the darker variety.

Chocolate, studies have shown, when eaten in moderation, dark chocolate improves blood flow, reduces blood pressure and does not contribute to high cholesterol.  Oh, and studies have also shown that chocolate does not cause acne, hyperactivity or weight gain.  With the perfect blend of caffeine, physician approved, tryptophan (building block for serotonin which acts as an antidepressant) and phenylethylamine ( a stimulant released when you’re in love), dark chocolate can make your Special  Day enjoyable and guilt-free!  One popular suggestion is Extra Dark-Dark Chocolate which may have the antioxidant equivalent of 3 cups of tea, 2 glasses of red wine or 1 1/3 cups of blueberries.  Oh, but it’s so much more fun to eat!!

Would you like red wine with that?
Instead of a martini or fruity daiquiri, order a glass or two of red wine with your dinner.  As a matter of fact, you should enjoy a glass of red wine with your dinner every night.  Many of us know that alcohol can thin your blood and helps us relax after a hard day’s work.  New studies have found that red wine has other health benefits, too.

Red Wine contains flavonoids and resveratrol which are antioxidants that repair free radical damage.  Resveratrol also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, may help lower cholesterol and reduces the risk of certain types of cancer.  You can relax and enjoy your evening knowing that the red wine rich with  resveratrol is working to improve the health of your cardiovascular system and your heart.  Again, moderation is the key.  More than one or two glasses of wine does not mean more health benefits, just the risk of more complications down the road.  If you are not allowed alcohol or do not care for wine, resveratrol can be purchased in a concentrated pill form.  This pill form is still under clinic trials and awaiting FDA approval. So, it’s best to check with your doctor before you indulge.

A Flower a Day Keeps the Blues Away

Although you cannot eat them, the lovely look and sweet smell of fresh flowers just makes you warm and fuzzy inside.  The Home Ecology of Flowers Study at Harvard Medical School, conducted by Nancy Etcoff, Ph.D., found that fresh flowers:

–  Feed compassion

–  Chase away anxiety, worry and the blues at home

–   Can boost energy, happiness and enthusiasm at work

Keep in mind that different colored flowers carry different meanings.  Red screams love and passion.  Pink conveys grace and happiness.  Yellow symbolizes friendship and new beginnings.    But, do not read too much into this when your lover brings home white roses…maybe he/she just thought they were pretty!

For those who do not like to give or receive flowers because eventually they shrivel and wither away, throw them away before their demise.  Instead of focusing on the negative, share your flower power and brighten your lover’s soul, if only for a few days.

Outside the Box Gift Ideas

Jewelry is always a great gift, but we have a couple ideas that will keep your relationship refreshed and renewed.

Relax Together

A His and Her Massage may be just what the love-doctor ordered.  Take time to relax with your lover… No children… No work… No chores… Nothing but aromatherapy candles, hot rocks, warm oil and strong hands massaging all your tension away.  Make your reservation early at your local day spa or medical spa.  Or, for some extra quiet time, make a date at an out of town resort.  Follow your massage with a manicure, pedicure and/or facial to feel refreshed.


Be very careful with these next gift ideas.  We recommend that you only give them if they have been requested or hinted-upon.  You don’t want your lover to get the impression you think he/she is old.  Also, these next ideas may require recovery time, so be sure your partner has the procedure performed in plenty of time to recover for your big date!!

Yoga, Pilates  Tia Chi and Breathing Meditation? If your lover is distracted by stress or anxiety, consider a gift certificate for a personal trainer,   fitness center, Yoga or Pilates, Tia Chi classes or Breathing Meditation courses.

Skin Refiners? If your lover is complaining about small acne scars, skin discoloration or enlarged pores, a microdermabrasion procedure or a light chemical peel may help.  By removing dead layers of skin, these procedures will give way to brighter, more rejuvenated skin.  Depending on the depth of treatment, recovery time may be one to ten or more days.

Wrinkle Releasers? Although your lover will look forever young to you, he/she may want a little reprieve from those wrinkles.  Botox and facial fillers can help reduce wrinkles and present a young, more rested look.  There is no downtime associated with Botox and fillers. Many have remarked that these type of perks offer a boost in confidence, self image and self esteem.

Keep in mind that the chocolate and wine health benefits only work if they are part of a healthy diet and lifestyle- and consumed in moderation.  If your doctor has warned you to stay away from chocolate and wine, heed your physician’s advice.  As far as the flowers and massages are concerned, go crazy!  And have a fun-loving Day.

 It is important to recognize that all information contained on this website cannot be considered to be specific medical diagnosis, medical treatment, or medical advice. As always, you should consult with a physician regarding any medical condition.


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