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Imaging Technology for Lung Conditions

Imaging Technology to detect lung conditions and diseases may be very helpful, depending upon the condition or disease.  This includes: Chest X Ray, Computerized Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to assist in confirming a diagnosis and developing a proposed treatment plan.

Chest X-Ray – A routine chest radiograph may uncover signs of various types of lung diseases and atypical lung pathologies. A Chest X Ray is often the first call to action when it comes to a choice for an initial imaging diagnostic test for a lung disease or lung condition, such as Lung Collapse.

  • Asbestosis may show as extensive whiteness in the lung fields of imaging, and may show a “honeycomb” appearance in advanced disease.
  • Emphysema may be distinguishable as black blotches in dead air sacs. The bigger the dead air spaces, the smaller the lung capacity in Emphysema.  
  • Pulmonary Fibrosis may be signified by extensive scarring on lung tissues.
  • Pulmonary Hypertension may show as accentuated and puffy air sacs, which is consistent with lung congestion, similar to pulmonary vascular disease. Likewise, the right side of the heart may be enlarged and notched due to an impending heart failure resulting from both of these lung diseases.
  • Pulmonary Vascular Disease shows similarly on a chest radiograph as Pulmonary Hypertension, noted above.
  • Sarcoidosis may be revealed by evidence of lung damage and enlarged lymph nodes.

Computerized Tomography (CT) – A CT scan is a complex array of multiple X-ray taken in multiple angles to show a cross sectional view of the image.

  • Asbestosis may be detected at an early phase.
  • Emphysema images may be enhanced here to demonstrate the extent of the air sac damage. 
  • Pulmonary Fibrosis images may be enhanced to guide physicians to determine the extent of fibrotic (scarring) damage.  
  • Tumors or Cancer of the Lungs, more common among chronic smokers.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) – This imaging technique will make use of magnetic waves to picture out the lungs in a detailed 3 dimensional image.

  • Lung Clot and an Arterio-Venous Malformation may easily be detected.  
  • Tumors or Lung Cancer that may impinge in any of the artery system may also be revealed.

It is important to recognize that medications and medical procedures are associated with benefits and risks that should be discussed with your physician. It is important to recognize that all information contained on this website cannot be considered to be specific medical diagnosis, medical treatment, or medical advice. As always, you should consult with a physician regarding any medical condition. Your Health Access disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information.