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Psychiatrists in Austin

Dr. Jaron Winston - Austin Psyciatrist
Dr. Jaron L. Winston
Senior Adults Specialty Healthcare, P.A.

Board-certified in Geriatric and General Psychiatry

Phone: 512-476-3556

Location in Austin
3215 Steck Avenue, Suite 200
Austin, Texas 78757


Learn more about Dr. Jaron Winston, Austin Texas Psychiatrist ->

Psychiatrists in Austin, Texas

The Psychiatrist listed above offers a broad range of mental health services with a special focus in mood disorders and senior care, including: Psychiatric evaluation, treatment, and consultation; Therapeutic Counseling for individuals, families, and groups; Referrals to other service providers; Case Management; and Research opportunities. Treatment modalities extend from psychotherapy, medications and ECT to cutting edge approaches for depressive symptoms with magnetic therapy or TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) – an innovative non-invasive treatment.
About Austin Texas Psychiatrists
The Austin Texas Psychiatrist listed above is Board-certified in Geriatric and General Psychiatry which is important when selecting a doctor for a mental health condition. It is wise to research information about Psychiatrists who diagnose and treat mood disorders before selecting the doctor of your choice. Board-certified Psychiatrists must pass an encompassing examination process in which education, training and experience are factored in to identify eligibility. The level of education and experience among Psychiatrists in Austin Texas is varied. The practice focus of Psychiatrists in Austin is unique to every practitioner. Some Psychiatrists in Austin participate in continuing education courses to be kept up-to-date with the latest advancements in Psychiatry. A select number of Psychiatrists are committed to research for specific mental disorders and related disorders, such as, Alzheimer’s and Major Depressive Disorder. This is specifically important in Austin where there is no medical school to support such initiatives. Austin Texas is also home to one of 300 TMS Therapy Centers in the U.S. which is listed above to offer advantages for patients who have major depressive disorder. Once you have selected a qualified Austin Texas Psychiatrist and/or Psychotherapist, you will want to schedule time to inquire about benefits, possible risks, and costs associated with the treatment modality that they propose is best for you. You’ll also want to know about alternative treatments. Popular mental health treatments in Austin are: Psychiatric Medications, TMS, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychotherapy, and other types of psychiatric disorder treatments for older adults, such as, those with Alzheimer’s Disease. We invite you to learn more about the featured Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist in our Directory.